Crafting Your Insta-Bio: The Art of Writing a Bio That Shines

As a yoga teacher (or wellness entrepreneur) in the growing world of teaching, healing or coaching, standing out is key. The secret to shining? Your bio. It might seem small, but that little blurb on your social media profile or website is your first impression to make an impact and a powerful marketing tool.

When it comes to crafting the perfect Instagram bio, you’ll want to make sure that it speaks to your ideal audience and you get them to take action.

In this post, we’ll cover:

  • The purpose of your bio

  • Technical requirements of your bio

  • Template for crafting the ultimate bio

  • Checklist for creating the ultimate bio

  • ChatGPT prompt for the perfect bio

✅ The purpose of your bio

The main goal of your Instagram bio is to convert profile visitors into action-takers. As a wellness entrepreneur or yoga teacher, your bio should attract potential followers, clients, or students by clearly communicating what you offer and how it benefits them. Depending on your objectives, the desired action might be to:

  • Follow you for more valuable content

  • Join your email list for updates and exclusive offers

  • Become a client or student of your classes, retreats or courses

To achieve these goals, your bio needs to be tailored to resonate with your audience and encourage them to take the desired action.

⚙️ Technical requirements of your bio

The technical requirements for an Instagram bio are straightforward:

  • Character limit: Your bio headline must be under 150 characters

  • Two week limit: You can only change your headline twice a month

  • Flexibility: You can change your bio description as often as you like

However, there are contextual requirements to keep in mind:

  1. Order of the bio in the customer journey

  2. How your bio is viewed on mobile devices

📍 Customer Journey

When someone visits your profile, they typically check these elements in this order:

  1. Your profile picture

  2. Handle

  3. Headline

  4. First line of bio

  5. Rest of bio

To make the most of this journey:

  • Avoid repeating your handle in your headline

  • Ensure your headline is distinct from your bio

📲 Mobile View

Your bio must be optimised for mobile viewing. Avoid using too many lines or improper line breaks, which can lead to important information being cut off by the “...more” prompt.

To avoid this:

  • Hide your account category if it takes up valuable space (find it by clicking the ‘edit profile’ button, then ‘category’, then toggle ‘Display on profile’ to off.)

  • Preview your bio on multiple mobile screens and adjust as needed

Ok, let’s dive into all the elements of your Instagram Profile…

📝 Template for crafting the ultimate bio

Crafting a simple yet effective three-line bio framework:

  1. What you do + who you help [state the benefit]

  2. How you do it [show social proof]

  3. What people should do next [call to action]

Breaking down your Insta-Bio for instant shine

      1. Your IG handle - what you’re known as, for example “Rosey_Smith_Yoga”

      2. Your Photo - show your friendly face or a simple logo on a plain background

      3. Your Headline - must be under 150 characters, but don’t repeat your handle. Instead, tell people who you serve, eg. “Rosey | Yoga for Runners”

      4. Description - who you help and how you do it. Emojis can enhance personality but add them last – keep your description concise yet comprehensive.

      5. Call to action (CTA) - the next step you want the user to take, “Get my FREE yoga for runners checklist” or “Book a class.” 

      6. Link (URL) - Send users to your website directly – this means more website traffic for you and will increase traffic to your site. Don’t have one? Then use a free service like Linktree.

📋 Checklist for creating the ultimate bio

Content & Clarity:

✅ Keywords: Include relevant keywords to your niche (e.g., Vinyasa yoga, meditation, yoga for beginners).

✅ Avoid Repetition: Don't repeat information from your username or headline.

✅ Clear & Concise: Use simple, easy-to-understand language (no jargon or accreditations eg. EYT500 - no one outside of the yoga world will know what this means, or care!)

✅ Focus on Benefits: Highlight the benefits yoga offers to your audience (e.g., stress reduction, increased flexibility).

✅ Context & Credibility: Briefly explain your approach or qualifications (e.g., experienced instructor, certified in Yin yoga).

Engagement & Call to Action:

✅ Emojis with Personality: Use emojis that reflect your brand and teaching style (but keep it tasteful).

✅ Strong Call to Action: Encourage followers to take the next step (e.g., "Join my free yoga challenge!", "Visit my website for class schedules").

✅ Mobile-Friendly: Ensure your bio doesn't get cut off on smaller screens.

✅ Aligned CTA: Match your call to action with your profile's current goal (e.g., driving traffic to your website, promoting a new workshop or retreat).

Bonus Tips:

✅ Ask Engaging Questions: Spark curiosity with a question related to yoga or wellbeing in your bio.

✅ Highlight Unique Selling Points: What sets you apart from other yoga teachers? Briefly mention it in your bio (e.g., focus on mindful movement, incorporate aromatherapy).

✅ Keep it Fresh: Update your bio periodically to reflect new offerings or promotions.


  • Character Limit: Stay within the 150-character limit.

  • Readability: Break up text with line breaks for easy reading on mobile.

🤖 ChatGPT prompt for the perfect bio

While chatGPT can be a great resource for brainstorming, it's important to remember your bio needs to be a genuine reflection of you and your yoga or wellbeing business. Here's how to leverage AI for inspiration without losing your unique voice:

1. Define Your Bio Goals: Take a moment to consider what you want your bio to achieve. Do you want to attract more beginners, promote a specific yoga style, target a specific group, or build a community around mindful movement?

2. Craft Your AI Prompt: Instead of relying on generic prompts, tailor one that speaks to your niche and unique selling point (USP). Here's an example:

Imagine you're a [who you are] yoga teacher with a passion for [who you help] helping busy professionals find balance through [how] energising Vinyasa flows. You've been teaching for 8 years and incorporate mindfulness practices into your classes. Craft a captivating 3-line bio for your Instagram profile that attracts [your target audience’s pain points] stressed-out individuals seeking a dose of calm and movement in their day.

3. Refine the chatGPT Bio: Once you have a draft from the AI, use it as a springboard. Consider your own brand voice, preferred emojis, and specific call to action to make it truly yours.

Here are some additional tips for crafting an authentic bio:

  • Focus on Benefits: Highlight how yoga can improve your target audience's lives.

  • Showcase Your Personality: Infuse your bio with a touch of your personality to connect with potential students (eg. make it more conversational, funny, quirky, calm).

  • Keep it Actionable: End with a clear call to action, whether it's joining your next class or visiting your website, or downloading your freebie.

Remember: Your bio is a conversation starter, not a sales pitch. The focus should be on your audience and how you provide value to them.

By following these tips, you can craft an Instagram bio that shines, attracts potential students, and helps you build a thriving yoga community! Good luck and tag me on Instagram @_louisebartlett so I can cheer you on!


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