Discover the Benefits of Essential Oils for Hormone Support

Hormonal imbalances can result from a variety of factors including stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, pregnancy, puberty, or menopause. Achieving hormonal balance is crucial for our overall health and wellbeing. Incorporating essential oils into your self-care routine can offer a natural and holistic approach to support your hormonal health.

In this article, read about:

• What causes hormone imbalances?
• Essential oils for hormone health
• The essential oil blend I use for hormone support
• Are all oils created equally?
• Begin your self-care routine
• Try a yoga workshop for balancing hormones

Hormonal imbalances are very common these days. Whether it’s from stress, having a baby, peri-menopause or menopause, as women, we need to nourish our bodies and practice self-care more than ever!

What causes hormone imbalances?

One cause is the transitional period from fertility to menopause, called perimenopause. This period can last anywhere from a few months to a few years, during which time women can experience a wide range of symptoms including: hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue, among others. I know because I am experiencing it myself, right now.

We may also experience huge hormonal shifts after childbirth, which can lead to mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. This is often referred to as postpartum or postnatal depression or the baby blues. I experienced this, too.

Nutrition and lifestyle have a huge impact on hormone balance but the powerful effects of making simple and natural modifications are often over-looked.

Essential oils for hormone health

Hormones are chemical messengers, relaying information around the body. However, it’s very easy for levels to become disrupted and women are especially susceptible to common challenges such as:

    • Stress

    • Lack of sleep

    • Blood sugar instability

    • Nutritional deficiencies

    • High intake of stimulants like caffeine and sugar

    • Alcohol

    • Environmental toxins

    • Chronic inflammation

    • Low or extremely high levels of exercise

    • Mood swings

    • Hot flashes

    • Loss of libido

Diet and lifestyle have a huge impact on hormone balance but the powerful effects of making simple modifications are often over-looked.

By taking just a few small steps, I have learned to alleviate or reduce many of the challenges I have been facing. As well as staying hydrated and reducing caffeine, sugar and alcohol, I’ve been moving my body more with yoga and using essential oils daily.

Photo: Vero Photoart

Photo: Vero Photoart

Essential oils for hormone imbalance symptoms

You'll want to look for a combination of oils that support your whole body through the entire perimenopause experience. The blend I use for balancing hormones contains some of the best essential oils for supporting your overall wellbeing. It also uses oils that specifically make managing the hormonal roller coaster we experience during perimenopause better. While this blend has worked well for me, it’s important to note that all women are different and may react differently to each essential oil.

Clary sage

Clary sage is incredibly effective essential oil. It helps balance out estrogen levels and ensures the long-term health of the uterus, promotes healthy hair and scalp, keeps cortisol levels stable and calms the body and mind. Clary sage opens the blood vessels and allows for increased blood circulation; it also naturally lowers blood pressure by relaxing the brain and arteries. And, hot flashes can be naturally remedied with the help of clary sage.


Studies have shown lavender helps reduce menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, headaches, and heart palpitations in some people. Lavender help keep cortisol levels stable while calming your body and mind and supporting your libido. It also promotes healthy hair and scalp, healthy sleep.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang ylang is best-known for its intoxicating aroma, which can calm and uplift the mind and body while relieving stress and tension. It may also help with feelings of anxiety and depression. This oil is great for combatting low libido, another common symptom of menopause. And it promotes a positive outlook and provides antioxidant support.


Geranium can naturally support estrogen levels while also supporting a healthy mood. It also promotes clear skin, healthy hair and may help to relieve depression. 


Bergamot is great for mental clarity and works by both energising and relaxing your body and mind, calming the nerves and lessening feelings of stress.

The essential oil blend I use for hormone support

I have been using essential oils to help re-balance my hormones for the last couple of years. Here’s the blend that I’ve been using and instructions on how to make this custom blend at home.

Hormone support blend:


  • 10 drops clary sage 

  • 8 drops lavender

  • 8 drops geranium

  • 4 drops bergamot 

  • 4 drops ylang ylang

  • Carrier oil of choice (fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil)


In a 10ml glass rollerball bottle, add the essential oils and fill to the top with your carrier oil. Replace the top, cap, and swirl around to combine ingredients together. To use: Roll the blend over ovaries and pulse points (neck, ankles, and wrists) 2 to 3 times per day.

Day and nights sweats blend:

This blend is from the book, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood, who is an expert in the field of essential oil research.


  • 10 drops grapefruit 

  • 10 drops lime

  • 2 drops peppermint

  • 5 drops Thyme 

  • Carrier oil of choice (fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil)


In a 10ml glass rollerball bottle, add the essential oils and fill to the top with your carrier oil. Replace the top, cap, and swirl around to combine ingredients together. To use: Apply on the lower back.

Are all essential oils created equally?

It’s important to know what’s in the oils you are using. As Valerie Worwood states in her book, essential oils may be extended by adding cheaper essential oils, some may be diluted with another oil, or one essential oil might be labeled as another. It’s important that you do your research and find companies that are transparent with their sourcing and the distillation process. I use doTERRA oils for their high quality and their commitment to sourcing the most pure, potent and effective essential oils in environmentally and socially responsibly ways. There are other quality essential oils you can try, so make sure to do your research.

Begin your self-care routine

One of my favourite ways to use essential oils is to compliment my self-care routine, which can also be a great way to relieve perimenopause symptoms. 

Practising yoga is a great way to support your self-care. It gets your mind and body moving and helps to lower cortisol levels naturally. Try diffusing lavender essential oil or put a drop on your yoga mat before you begin your practice. I love applying a drop behind my ears and wrists so that I get both the physical and aromatherapeutic benefits throughout my whole practice. I also infuse my eye pillow with lavender for a truly calming Savasana.

Join me for a transformational Menopause Yoga Retreat in Greece!


Essential oils and other natural solutions can help to support you through hormonal changes, but keep in mind that if your symptoms become more than you can handle, it's important to seek the help of a trusted physician or health care provider. Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.



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